From Burnout to Breakthrough: Jen West’s Journey to Founding Wild Fig Financial

In this inspiring episode of the cityCURRENT Show, we interview Jen West, founder of Wild Fig Financial. Jen shares her remarkable journey from experiencing burnout in the corporate world to establishing a thriving financial firm that empowers real estate investors and businesses. She discusses how she transitioned from her corporate career to entrepreneurship, achieving financial freedom and creating a business that aligns with her passions.

Listeners will learn about Jen’s strategies for overcoming burnout and her tips for maintaining a healthy work-life balance. She provides valuable insights into creating generational wealth through real estate investment, offering practical advice for those looking to start or scale their investment portfolios. Jen also highlights the importance of self-care, setting boundaries, and the role of personal goals in achieving business success.

Throughout the conversation, Jen emphasizes the importance of authenticity, resilience, and the power of thinking in systems, which has allowed her to run her business efficiently without being physically present. She also touches on her experiences with financial independence groups and how her involvement in these communities has shaped her approach to business and personal growth.

Join us for an enlightening conversation with Jen West, and discover how you can achieve financial freedom, build a profitable real estate business, and maintain a balanced and fulfilling life.

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