Mending Hearts – Restoring Women. Reclaiming Lives.

Recovery Program for Women. Provider of housing, programs and services. Creating sustainable lives, healthy thinking, and sobriety.

Host Jeremy C. Park talks with Trina Frierson, CEO and Founder of Mending Hearts, who shares the story of overcoming her own personal struggles with addiction and homelessness and what led her to then start the nonprofit in 2004, after realizing the need for an inclusive recovery program to serve women with similar circumstances. Mending Hearts is a recovery-based therapeutic community for women facing addiction and co-occurring mental health disorders. Their long-term treatment program offers hope and healing in a supportive community environment – regardless of their ability to pay. The nonprofit organization’s facility is located in West Nashville and currently offers housing and treatment to 110 women.

During the interview, Trina talks about their program and impact on the women, why supporting women and helping them restore their lives is so important for the community, the transformation taking place in the neighborhood they’ve helped revitalize, and how the community can support their efforts to help more women.

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